Our Mission

At EverWise Wellness, our mission is to empower you to achieve your dream health through the transformative power of ketogenic nutrition. With a commitment to evidence-based guidance and personalized support, we strive to educate, inspire, and guide you on a journey towards sustainable well-being, harnessing the metabolic benefits of the ketogenic lifestyle.


We believe that much of the nutrition guidance from large health institutions and governing bodies are not appropriate for all individuals. As nutrition professionals, we bring our expert knowledge, based on the best guidance and research available today, to help you live a healthier life.


Together, we aim to reshape lives by fostering a deeper understanding of nutrition, providing expert guidance, and creating a supportive environment that empowers you to unlock your full health potential.

Ketogenic nutrition is safe, founded and sustainable.

Ketogenic diets, or very low carbohydrate diets (high in fat and moderate in protein), have been used for over a hundred years as interventions for conditions such as epilepsy (beginning in 1921) and diabetes (as far back as the 1800s or pre-insulin era). You may think of the common reference to the “keto diet” or Atkins diet, conjuring up thoughts of fad diets or quack nutrition. However, ketogenic diets, when implemented correctly and with support, can be sustained as a lifestyle, improving your metabolic health and changing your life in ways you never dreamed.

Jillian Ball Roberg, MPH, RD, CDCES

Founder of EverWise Wellness, my passion lies in empowering you to reclaim your life by changing the trajectory of your health through ketogenic nutrition therapy. With over two decades of expertise as a seasoned dietitian and diabetes educator, I built EverWise Wellness so more people can experience the power of improved metabolic health.


Our dedicated team cuts through the noise, providing clear guidance and a personalized step-by-step plan to help you achieve your health goals with unwavering confidence.


We are committed to supporting you by helping you  overcome challenges, sharing successes, and ensuring you never feel alone on your path to a healthier lifestyle. 


Many have experienced life-changing transformations through a ketogenic diet and lifestyle approach (including myself and spouse), and now, you can embark on your transformative journey with expert guidance and support.

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Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your health goals and determine if a ketogenic nutrition lifestyle is right for you.